Well An english version of 'pomor' will not solve the problem of the connection errors ( which is caused by storing to much short messages eg. typing a hotkey it would automatically bring a message in game ---Market--- or ---Market done--- without having to type it). On the contrary, it will only increase the amount of errors.
I can only suggest you dont play with Russian players to avoid this. I tend to avoid them when i see them, cause I'v learned most of them or either bad loosers (locking the game when they are loosing), they talk a language i dont understand or they cheat. I'm sorry for the honest russian players, but thats how it is.
What is quite interesting is that you say you have problems with the musketeer formations. I'v heard this before but haven't been able to pinpoint it down to the use of Pomor. Can you proof this or show me some kind of ( indirect) evidence ? ( in the form of autorecords, ...)
I know its not fair they use Pomor against us who own a non russian version, but hey...at least you know what kind of people russians are then...
I dont think i will make a clean version of Pomor as from there its a small matter adding ' the cheats' back in to it.
I have better things to do than this.
I dont mind talking about it, because it shows other people what a fraud the russians players that use this really are.