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TLDR: Link to Discord : https://discord.gg/MVbbWbm

It's been a long time coming, but I have to move along with the times, Discord is widely used amongst gamers, and it will be a nice extension to my site (CossacksWorld) to have a discord server.

It certainly is an easier way to quickly ask a question, rather than having to sign up for a forum to ask a question.

It allows for direct chat, meet other people, gamers or modders alike. I do not expect this to be a popular or active discord, but just a place to pass by from time to time and see what's new in the world of Cossacks or have a little chat about things related to the GSC games.

I'll also post information about my new modding project I'm working on. Some of you know already, but I'v been diagnosed with cancer and as such I have a lot of time on my hands during therapy, so I picked up my mod I started working on 2 years ago.

It involves adding new units (not clones) to Cossacks 3 , (Flagbearers, crossbows, swordman, archers,...). My initial intent was to add a 16th Century to the game, but these units could be used for a variety of things, it could be a mod ranging from 10th to 16th century.

The earlier the mod is put back in time, the more the need for custom building arises too, which I don't have at this point.

I'm definetely looking for feedback, thoughts, idea's on the subject, help even if someone feels like contributing.

If the mod isn't feasible to do, too much work, too many roadblocks that can't be bypassed, then at least the result will be new units, which I'll share regardless with other people who are creating mods for C3.


Do join the discord, stay, don't stay, all the same to me. I'll be there. If anyone has questions, just ask!


Views: 2028 | Added by: EbelAngel | Date: 08/November/2019 | Comments (0)

Przemek_kondor has made an easy to use tool to compare unit statistics in Cossacks 3

Link to the tool : https://gliniak.gitlab.io/cossacks3-units-ranking/

More information can be found here.

Views: 1985 | Added by: EbelAngel | Date: 05/March/2018 | Comments (0)

Updated mod to Version
- Added flying birds (falcon, generic bird, stork) to the random maps who will fly around randomly. You''ll find them on the various maps (except desert).
- Added more decoration patterns on the country side map ('churches with graveyards, castles, rubbled buildings')
- Added 2 new map size options (Medium & Very large) : current options now are : tiny (256), normal(320), medium (400), large (480), very large (560), huge (640).
- Added winter textures to the 'farmhouses' you see on the country side maps.
- Replaced 3 bad new road textures with better one''s matching the buildings decals better, for later use.

For more information on the mod, read here. Download here

Views: 2004 | Added by: EbelAngel | Date: 26/January/2018 | Comments (0)

C3 NT Mod Animals

Version (20/01/2018)
- Improved the generation time for the 'black forest' option. Reduced the amount of trees/patterns that were being generated. Still one of the 'longest' generation times, but managed to reduce it by up to 30 seconds. I''ll try to improve more in the next version.
- Added a 'transport only' option for the 'warships' option. Usefull for river/lake maps if you do not want fishboats/warships, but only ferries.
- Added a 'union' additional start option. On choosing a nation it will be paired with one other nation.
(Austria - Hungary; Turkey - Algeria; Spain - Portugal; Venice - Piemonte; Sweden - Denmark; France - Switzerland; Ukraine - Russia; Poland - Prussia; Bavaria - Saxony.
On choosing England you will be paired with Netherlands because not everyone has the scotland dlc, but if you have and you choose Scotland you will be paired with England.
- Added an 'expensive mercenaries' option. They will cost 3 times as much as normal when this option is enabled.
- Added animals: Farm animals (cow, goose, hen, pig, sheep) & wild animals (bear, deer, fox, wild pigs, wolf). You''l find farm animals on the 'country side' maps, and wild animals in forests & plains on the various maps. These bring variety and make the maps more lively.

For more information on the mod, read here.



Views: 2107 | Added by: EbelAngel | Date: 20/January/2018 | Comments (0)

I just uploaded a test version of my New Terrain Mod (NTM) to the Steam Workshop. If anyone is interested, try it out, I'd like to get some feedback while I'm still working on it.


1.) New landscape options : Lakes, Rivers and coastal. (360+ map masks.)
2.) New seasons options: Spring and Autumn.
3.) New peace time options: 5 & 15 minutes.
4.) New warship options: with or without warships.
5.) New additional start options: 17th century barracks, log Cabins and a village.
6.) New resource start options: 10000, 50000, 100000 and 500000.
7.) New foreststype option: Countryside (rural), Taiga (default), Black forest (Dense), temperate forest (new trees mix).
8.) New harvestable treetypes : Willow, Oak, Beech, Birch, Cypress, Olive, Poplar, Maple, Oak bushes,...
9.) New flowers and deco types: cabbage, cornflower, thistle, caluna, editor buildings (rubbled houses, farmsteads, graves).
10.) New map textures (summer, winter, autumn, spring)
11.) New random map masks (350+) for existing landscape types bringing more variety in start positions & terrain, particularly for 8 player maps but also for 2-7 player maps.
12.) New patterns for more landscape variety (200+)
13.) Animated trees. They appear to be moving with the wind.
14.) All new options are localized in the various available languages.
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Views: 1465 | Added by: EbelAngel | Date: 03/January/2018 | Comments (0)

To celebrate the Holiday Season, the time of joy and happiness, and Steam Winter Sale, GSC are adding a few surprises to the game:

- A new FREE mission is added to the game. Help Santa to rescue his reindeer and save Christmas for people all around the world!
- Changed the main menu art, so it would be more suitable for this time of year;
- Redesigned the UI to give some additional holiday vibes to players;
- Added some holiday trees to the map generator, brings even more joy to the game!
- Peasants now use their holiday colored bags;
- Tweaked the lightning for a snowier atmosphere in the game.

But that’s not all! As Cossacks 3 participates in the Steam Winer Sale, never before discounts visit the store page: -20% on the Standard edition, -25% on the Deluxe edition and -30% on the Deluxe upgrade will bring even more people to celebrate Christmas in Cossacks 3! There was never a better time to join.

Views: 2301 | Added by: EbelAngel | Date: 23/December/2016 | Comments (0)

GSC Game World presents Days of Brilliance, the first DLC for Cossacks 3, that adds even more depth and content to the battlefields of 17-18th century Europe. Enhance your overall experience with the new historical campaign, various missions, units and more!

Main features:

  • Polish campaign: Experience the most thrilling events of the Polish history in 17th century. From the genius Battle of Klushino to the grand Saving of Vienna, lead the mighty winged hussars over the plains of Europe in the age of their greatest triumphs and victories.
  • New exclusive missions: 5 new exciting missions will take you all over the Europe and allow you to assume the role of general in the key historical military events of the 17th and 18th century Old World.
  • Additional nations: Play as mighty Denmark or the swift Netherlands, each with its own new unique buildings, units and music themes.
  • Brand-new original units: 5 new units will set their foot on the battlefields of 17th century Europe, including original new units, exclusive to Cossacks 3, for new nations and Poland.

You can get the dlc in the steam store.

Views: 2312 | Added by: EbelAngel | Date: 15/December/2016 | Comments (0)

Major changes

1. Player can now select the size of the map in the lobby. Caution! They are still in beta, so bigger maps may require additional RAM and processing powers (to be more precise, 3 or more GB), so players with lower-end PC may experience performance issues and increased loading times. We thank Andrey Krysuk for his help with this feature.
2. Added 8th player to multiplayer and random battles. We thank Andrey Krysuk for his help with this feature.
3. Reduced an area around buildings that restricted other construction from being placed nearby. Now cities are more compact, with more space to place buildings.


1. Fixed a bug, that removed unit upgrades from the game.
2. Fixed a bug, that allowed players to build multiple diplomatic centers in one game.
3. Fixed an issue when an end game statistic screen displayed an incorrect amount of sold resources.
4. Fixed an error with the selection frame, when the speed of scrolling with keyboard and mouse were different.

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Views: 2018 | Added by: EbelAngel | Date: 22/November/2016 | Comments (0)

Previously the unit limit was capped at 10 000 , but since the latest patch there can be 16 000 soldiers on the field!

This patch includes fixes of critical crashes, fix for laptops dedicated graphics cards and many other expected things.

1. Laptops with two graphics cards now correctly select most powerful one.
2. Fixed an issue when player uses msn account in cloud like OneDrive or other and was unable to change language and save game.

1. Increased maximum number of units from 10 000 to 16 000.
2. Fixed wrong information of players owned DLCs in main menu.
3. It is now easier to place new buildings near trees.
4. Fixed issue when player was able to interrupt wall placing process and game become uncontrollable.
5. Fixed bug when settings window could open on game start if you previously open it in main menu.
6. Fixes texts in Ukrainian localization.

1. Added ally chat. Press Ctrl+Enter to chat with ally.
2. Fixed bug when balloon upgrade of one player open fog of war of all the players.
3. Fixed bug in internet shell, when chat messages were shown without nick, after player leave shell.
4. It is now possible to send private message using players ID, like: /w #23456 private message text
5. Fixed bug, when game name disappeared after player press "Make Private" button while creating game room.
6. Fixed bug, when players ID was cut in players list

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Views: 3768 | Added by: EbelAngel | Date: 28/September/2016 | Comments (0)

Posted by FireAtem on steam forums:

New update with multiplayer!
We, as promised, we continue to work and here is a list of the new and amended:
- First of all. Internet server is now live!
- Autosave option is now avialable by default in new profiles and users.
- Fixed many text errors
- Enabling developers commands are now available through cheat codes.
- Fixed bug with wrong text charachters encoding when switching between profiles with different languages.
- Developers' tools in non-editor parts of the game (removed)
- Two soundtracks playing at the same time (solved)
- Text tags in tutorial missions texts (corrected\fixed)

Solutions to common problems
Problems with poor performance on laptops:
- Manually set what kind of videocard game picks
The problem with the construction of the line of houses:
- The maximum number of orders for construction - six.
Problems with low performance despite the fairly good system data:
- Check that there are no background processes on your computer. They can hinder computer's speed
- Update or reinstall the driver
- Remove or conversely enable vertical sync

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Views: 2150 | Added by: EbelAngel | Date: 21/September/2016 | Comments (0)

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