For those interested you can communicate from mIRC with the gamespy server chat.
So you also see a list of players online. You can communicate with them in the main chat and with private messages without having to log in to the cossacks gamespy server.
The players that are inside the gs chat will receive your message as ("only for you:") message and are able to reply to you. 
Or you could use it to exchange maps and many other things ( like using symbols in the chat like the flags ( insert pics) ,...)
You should NOT use this to spam the server with meaningless messages !!! Flooding the server is NOT done !!!
You can get the programm for free at the mIRC website
After you have installed the programm on the first run you will be prompted to fill out certain details to set up the connection.
Follow the Screenshots below in order to connect properly to the server.
Step 1 : Fill out your desired Nickname, an email adress is not required. If you fill out your Nickname with your [CLAN] tag then the clan logo will also show up inside the gamespy shell in the list of players. Do not yet click ok, but go to step 2.
(insert pic)
Step 2: on the same screen select "server" in the three view on the left. Select "All" from the drop down list 'IRC Network'.  Click on "Add". A new window will pop - up. Go to step 3
(insert pic)
Step 3: Fill out the server details exactly as below shown in the picture ( description 'Cossacks', IRC server IP ' and ports '6667'). Click ok
(insert pic)
Step 4: Now in the list with 'IRC Server' Select the newly created Cossacks Server and click ok.
Step 5: Click on the lightning ( connect ) icon in the menu bar.
Step 6: A new screen will pop up for the channel details. Fill out exactly as below ( #GSP!cossacks ). Press Join . Note: you can save this channel to the list so you don't have to type it manually every time you join.
Step 7: You are now connected to the general chat:
(insert pic)
Step 8 : Doubleclick on a player's name in the list on the right to send a private message. A new window will open up.
 For customizing mIRC I refer to the options in the menu.( Colors, channelmessages, flood options,...)
 You can also change your nickname by going to Commands in the Menu and select ' Change Nick'
 Obviously for making adds for your game you can use ctrl+c ctrl+v so you dont have to type stuff over and over ( save in .txt doc)
 Scripts are also possible but i wouldnt recommend them as its more a pure communications chat.

The special symbols ( flags, ...) are denoted by a symbol and the codes 0017 0018. Copy the following lines entirely and paste it in mIRC ( you can always change the text but keep the hidden symbols and numbers) and see inside the gamespy server how it shows up:
  0018 0017 WARNING DO NOT FLOOD THE CHAT 0017  0018
  0018 0017 WARNING DO NOT FLOOD THE CHAT 0017  0018
  0018 0017 WARNING DO NOT FLOOD THE CHAT 0017  0018
  0018 0017 WARNING DO NOT FLOOD THE CHAT 0017  0018
  0018 0017 WARNING DO NOT FLOOD THE CHAT 0017  0018
  0018 0017     New English             0017   0018
  0018 0017   Cossacks Info Site       0017   0018
  0018 0017 cossacksworld.ucoz.co.uk     0017   0018
  0018 0017 Modding-Gaming-MapEdit     0017   0018
  0018 0017 and more useless info      0017   0018
Should look like this inside cossacks:

For those interested
How to use (remote) scripts on mIRC
I will set the simplest of examples:
Now what this script does is: whenever someone says the word 'moo', it automatically replies with the sentence ' okay, who set the cows loose'
Now to show you that it shows up in mIRC directly after the word has been said:
Notice how it immediately responds to the word 'moo'. ( Red lines). Beware of false positive's though ( when someone would type eg. 'amoo' it would also react
Ofcourse you can really write any script you like, though i wouldnt use a timer script where every so much minutes it spams a message, it will get boring for players. Be creative
Make a script like when someone types : 'help' give them your website adress if it has usefull information that may help the player...
for example:
on 1:text:*help*:#:/msg $chan    0017for help & info visit www.cossacksworld.ucoz.co.uk 0017
If you want more examples or help, just spam my forum.