Creating a scenario
In this section, the milestones of mission creation will be highlighted. Having met all the requirements of this section, you will get the mission kernel you can broaden with a multitude of plotlines, depending on the extent of your imagination. Virtually, scenario creation starts in the map editor. First of all, you need to mull over the map landscape: the location of land and water, placing of mountains and defining passable/impassable areas. This is a rather important stage, for changing the landscape in later stages will be more laborious. When the landscape is ready, place units and buildings on the map, and then proceed with the creation of groups and zones. Now you can start developing your scenario.
Mission Properties
Mission properties include the name, description and a picture. They are the face of your mission, which people will recognize and a player will get his first impression by. You can change the mission description with the "Properties …" command in the "Scenario" menu. The user sees the mission name in the list of single missions when he wants to play the mission you created. Also, this name is used for opening the scenario in the scenario editor. By default, the name of the mission coincides with the name of map the scenario is built on. A mission description is required to give players an idea of your mission and ultimately convince them to get into your whirlpool of adventures. The picture is a visual image of your mission. There is a standard picture for mission descriptions, but it will hardly be able convince the player to opt for your mission. To avoid this, there is a "Load picture …" button.
Names of Players
Player names are a very important point. It would be rather odd if computer-controlled brigands were called by the player's colour. We recommend changing standard names for each player, as this will make the mission more realistic.
Mission Completion: Victory and Defeat
Key triggers are those containing mission completion actions. Without defining victory and defeat, the mission will be incomplete.
Objectives and Messages
Without using objectives, the player may not grasp what is required from him in the mission. The player needs to be informed on current objectives. This can be done by means of tasks or messages.
Level of Difficulty
In good missions, the complexity of the tasks as you walk through progresses in a linear way, and not in leaps and bounds. On an easy level of difficulty, even a newbie must be able to have fun when playing. There should always be enough resources, to prevent famines or to prevent the player from running out of gunpowder, iron or gold. The quantity of information on mission objectives and ways of accomplishing them should also depend on the level of difficulty. Cossacks is an economic strategy game. Don't forget that the quantity of resources the player gets at the beginning of the mission and on accomplishing some interim tasks will strongly impact the complexity of the mission.
Relations between Players
By manipulating this parameter you can considerably diversify your scenario.
Allowed Types of Units and Upgrades
If you do not wish one of the players to have a possibility to build certain units and carry out certain upgrades, then don't forget these parameters.