MD File Information

Under construction

Alphabetical Index :
A-C   D-F   G-L   M-O   P-S   T-Z
(insert general md information)
Monster Description (MD) files are being used to setup the various parameters of buildings & units. The name of the monster inside the md file is the one beeing used in the second entry under the  [MEMBERS] section in the various .nds file's. The name of the md file itself, is the one that needs to be defined in nmlist.txt ( new monster list), with a specification of the folder where the md file is located
The MD file's contain which graphic's, animations, icons, resources,...are used to build the unit/building and various other parameters. The strings listed in the alphabetical list are taken from the engine itself and therefore some of them may not be intended for Cossacks II, but are either carried over from an earlier version ( Cossacks I & AC) or are intented for other game's that use the engine.exe ( Alexander, Heroes Of Annihilated Empires.
I'v tried to cover most of the used one's, however some remain unclear to me, if you have any information about these file's, do not hesitate leaving a message in the guestbook or forum, as its becoming increasingly difficult to find information on the internet about these files.