Hi everyone, while making mod for myself, i found a little unsolved questions. Can i add attackground command and button to mortira (gaubitsa - cannon with 3K damage throwing cannonbal in height) and bmortira (cannon with 100 damage and long range).
I made comparison .md files between all 3 types of cannons and didnt find anything similar. There are interesting things in NRES.dat such as ATTACKGROUND Add33 13, but where is file responsible for commads or where unit~.md has line that add or remove commands buttons.
Sry for my english Added (07/August/2012, 3:53 PM)
already made it
Just need to put "ARTPODGOTOVKA" line (without breckets)
Added (08/August/2012, 9:25 AM)
Btw its no description for "ARTPODGOTOVKA" in md.file info in you site, so now you can add its meaning
Added (08/August/2012, 10:00 AM)
The next my step is to add granade attack to mushketers 18a with right animation (this attack will be agains only "body")