Hey everyone! Just started getting into modding Cossacks: BTW and so far I'm generally pleased with how easy (if tedious) changing the game is. However, there are two things (for now) that I'd really like some help with:
1) Where can I find the buffs that formations provide (especially the stand ground one)
2) How is building construction handled by the game? More specifically, what exactly needs to happen so a building is constructed in-game. I figured out how to make any unit able to place building-sites, but the actual process of making a unit able to construct that building are still a bit of a mystery to me. It seems that it all revovles around this line in a unit's .MD file:
#WORK 9 10 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 1 4 0
Adding this to a pikeman unit they were able to construct buildings, and adding
will display the hammer Icon whenever you hover hover a build-site with that unit selected. Furthermore, changing a building's BUILDSTAGES to 1 will speed the construction up immensely, so that they are built the instant a construction unit "touches" the build-site. Changing it to 0 will make the build-site explode when placed. So, my specific questions are whether anyone has figured out what else you can do with building construction. Can you make buildings insta-build once you place the scaffolding? Can you make them build themselves (I highly doubt this one)? Can you increase the range at which units are able to construct buildings (I assume not, but I read that there are specific spots for each building that define where a unit can construct it which are tied to the .MD file, so placing them far away from the building would produce that effect)? Can you increase construction speed any other way than lowering BUILDSTAGES?
EDIT: Also, I just realized how with BUILDSTAGES 0 you can kinda get manual off-map artillery support into this game...