Hi all,
I recently got back to Cossacks:BTW and found Imperia mod. It is magnificent, AI is waaay harder than on normal games. However, there where two things that bothered me:
1. AI is capped at 3k population.
2. AI builds no more than 6 18c barracks.
First limitation could be bypassed by using standard modding tools - to increase limit of population from dwellings and number of dwellings. I increased those numbers (and because AI can build more houses), it's capped at ~5k, which is sufficient for me.
Second limitation comes from AI DLL itself and, as you suppose, it's not easy to modify it (it's not impossible, it's just very difficult). And here is my question: is there Imperia AI DLL source code available anywhere? I've used google, but with no success.
I'd like to "tweak" Imperia a little. Or to make it even more hardcore. If no source is available, then I'll have to try with DLL binary editing... :/Added (30/July/2015, 7:58 PM)
Just to answer myself. :P Yup, DLL modding is possible, it's possible to increase building limits, for example: AI can build 5 Town Centers (3 by default) or 8 Strelets Barracks (5 by default). Those numbers can be increased as much as you want, but testing might be time consuming and must be done per Nation basis - there is no universal AI and each change is applied to separate DLL file.
If I'm not mistaken, changes might be introduced with quite high certainty of what is being changed and can be tested in bulks, so it's not necessary to test eg. Town Centers and Strelets Barracks separately.
Nevertheless, sources would be much faster solution. :P