Quote [KGR]-^K[o]K^- (

Hi, what mean this ?"PROTECTION 4 VISTREL 15 KARTECH 10 STRELA 10 MECH 4"
I found it here Cossacks 2 BfE/ Run/Data/ UnitsMD - FrnKKir.md
I know some units have protection...
VISTREL 15 = protection against bullets???
KARTECH 10 = protection against grapeshot???
STRELA 10 = Protection against arrows???
MECH 4 = Protection against swords???
I'm not entirely sure what the question here is. It is what it is, protection against said weapons. You answered it yourself already.Quote [KGR]-^K[o]K^- (

And where i can found this in game ?Its here: Cossacks 2 BfE/ Run/Data/ text - text5_ENG.txt
UI_ATT0 Sword Attack
UI_ATT1 Arrow Attack
UI_ATT2 Pike Attack
UI_ATT3 Cannonball Damage
UI_ATT4 Fire Power
UI_ATT5 Grapeshot Damage
UI_ATT6 Mortar Projectile
UI_ATT7 Healing
UI_SHL0 Protection against swords
UI_SHL1 Protection against arrows
UI_SHL2 Protection against pikes
UI_SHL3 Protection against cannonballs
UI_SHL4 Protection against bullets
UI_SHL5 Protection against grapeshot
UI_SHL6 Protection against mortar projectiles
UI_SATT0 Initial sword attack
UI_SATT1 Initial arrow attack
UI_SATT2 Initial pike attack
UI_SATT3 Initial cannonball damage
UI_SATT4 Initial fire power
UI_SATT5 Initial grapeshot damage
UI_SATT6 Initial mortar projectile damage
UI_SATT7 Initial healing
UI_SSHL0 Initial protection against swords
UI_SSHL1 Initial protection against arrows
UI_SSHL2 Initial protection against pikes
UI_SSHL3 Initial protection against cannonballs
UI_SSHL4 Initial protection against bullets
UI_SSHL5 Initial protection against grapeshot
UI_SSHL6 Initial protection against mortar projectiles
These are just interface translations, which doesnt mean they are ingame, they could be carried over from previous versions.