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Forum moderator: Daddio, EbelAngel  
Forum » Cossacks II » Map & Scenario Editing » Map Pack 09
Map Pack 09
DaddioDate: Wednesday, 19/August/2009, 10:50 PM | Message # 11
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Sure, they all have worked for me, I have removed a couple because they were not vet'ed correctly.

All of my installers have the CII NW as default install path. You must change it in order get it to install in CII BFE.

Once I understood this I have had no problems. And also I have talked a few threw this and have installed fine.

Its just something we need make people aware of.

If it is possible to change the default setting? That would be great. I think most just want to click and forget.

And it just takes a little more thought than that. (or at least a little explanation.)



Message edited by Daddio - Wednesday, 19/August/2009, 10:52 PM
EbelAngelDate: Wednesday, 19/August/2009, 11:22 PM | Message # 12
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Well, for me those installers have always had a blank install path. I always had to manually direct them.

Changing this so that it recognizes which version a player has and then take the information from the register is beyond my knowledge, I have limited and very basic C++ knowledge. Garnier looked and said it was a rats nest, so if he wasnt able to change it, i surely wont be able to do so. Also, what if a player has both versions, they still will have to let the tool know which version they want it installed to. There is no tool on earth that can do something magically just like that.

All you can do, is pack toghether with you'r exe's a readme in the .rar's to distribute explaining this again how to install. Perhaps even how to install them manually, in english, german and french. Perhaps should create a standard readme to include with all the rar's to be distributed.
It may be advisable to do like TT, also add the map, the preview and the txt file aswell in case people cannot get it to work so they can install the maps manually. Nothing is fool proof, but you got a point we should try to get as much information with it as possible. Though i must say, out of experience, very little people actually read a readme file, though they should really. Developpers do not write readme's because they like to, its cause they wouldnt have to explain things over and over again.


AgridDate: Tuesday, 01/September/2009, 9:29 PM | Message # 13
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Привет, я смотрел твои карты. Ты молодец. Я смотрел их все. Могу дать некоторые советы, если ты хочешь. Значки над посёлками, зоны непроходимости и прочее. Карты рабочие. Можешь выкладывать мои карты у себя на сервере, я даже помогу. Я могу сделать установщик карты на английском языке. Но надо чтобы кто-то перевёл описание с русского языка на английский язык, я его, увы, не знаю. Если я переведу роботом, а ты исправишь, то всё будет хорошо. С уважением Agrid.

Greetings, I looked your cards. You the good fellow. I looked all of them. I can give some advice if you want. Badges over settlements, zones of impassability and other. Cards workers. You can spread my cards at yourself on a server, I even will help. I can make a card fitter in English. But it is necessary that someone has translated the description from Russian into English, I, alas, do not know it. If I translate the robot, and you will correct, all will be good. Yours faithfully Agrid.


DaddioDate: Thursday, 03/September/2009, 4:30 AM | Message # 14
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Hello Agrid and welcome to Angels site.

I have downloaded you English version of the Editor guide and it is very good, thank you. Their are many new items that I discovered inside that will help.

I would love to use your map loader, It looks much better than the one we are using now. Of course I will help translate any way I can.

Please look over my maps and make any suggestions you would like, they are welcome.

Any maps you would like for us to post on our site just let me know and I will get them up.



AgridDate: Thursday, 03/September/2009, 8:23 AM | Message # 15
Group: Mappers
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Я готов выложить у вас на сайте свои карты. Помоги правильно перевести на английский язык описание. Я выкладываю описание карты на русском и английском языке (как перёвёл робот). То как переводит робот , потом иногда смешно смотреть. Откорректируй текст, и я потом перешлю тебе установочные файлы, уже на английском языке.
Установщик файлов в игру находиться здесь: http://www.tigrosoft.ucoz.ru/load/3-1-0-27
Ты был на форуме там, я видел good
Чтобы создать установщик на английском надо нажать клавишу, внизу: версия инсталлятора / английский

Спасибо заранее, Agrid!

I am ready to lay out at you on a site the cards. Help to translate correctly into English the description. I spread the card description in Russian and English language (as has translated the robot). That as translates the robot, then sometimes ridiculously to look. Modify the text, and I then will send you adjusting files, already in English.
The fitter of files in game to be here: http://www.tigrosoft.ucoz.ru/load/3-1-0-27
You were at a forum there, I saw good
To create a fitter in English it is necessary to press a key, below: the version инсталлятора / English (версия инсталлятора / английский)

Thanks in advance, Agrid!

Added (03/September/2009, 8:19 Am)
Карта "Иероглиф"

После набега у вас уничтожены все деревни… Уцелел только лишь посёлок каменотёсов.
Восстановите свои силы с помощью оставшихся сил и нанесите ответный удар. Враг, чувствуя безнаказанность, увёл свою армию грабить другие районы. Но хотя его посёлки и лакомый кусочек, но они тщательно охраняются. Границу сектора охраняет система башен, кроме того, каждый посёлок прикрывает несколько отрядов ополченцев и система блокгаузов.
Вы бы легко справились с этой задачей, но коварный сосед, попавший в подобную переделку - жаждет реванша, планирует пополнить свои силы и расправиться с вами навсегда. Решите этот египетский иероглиф таким образом, чтобы слава о ваших победах и талантах вошла в историю.
Стартовый потенциал: 10 крестьян, пшеничное поле, фабрика, дворец, металлургический завод и посёлок каменщиков. Нейтральные посёлки имеют стартовое количество рабочих выше стандартных, и поэтому для вашего развития, захват их является приоритетным.

Card "Hieroglyph"

After attack at you all villages … are destroyed Has escaped only settlement of masons.
Restore the forces by means of the remained forces and strike back. The enemy, feeling impunity, has withdrawn the army to plunder other areas. But though its settlements and a titbit, but they are carefully protected. The sector border is protected by system of towers, except that, each settlement is covered with some groups of civil guardsmen and system блокгаузов.
You easily would cope with this problem, but artful the neighbour, got to similar alteration - thirsts a revenge, plans to fill up the forces and to finish with you for ever. Solve this Egyptian hieroglyph so that the glory about your victories and talents has become history.
Starting potential: 10 peasants, a wheaten field, factory, a palace, metal works and settlement of masons. Neutral settlements have starting quantity of workers above standard and consequently for your development, their capture is priority.

Added (03/September/2009, 8:20 Am)
Карта "Зимнее плато"

Карта рассчитана на 2-х соперников. В центральной части расположено обширное плато, на котором сосредоточены все основные ресурсы. У вас есть возможность взять под свой контроль эту богатую часть и победить.
Либо подчинив себе, посёлки с лесорубами, организовать молниеносную обходную кампанию с применением уланов (понятно, что для этой стратегии подойдут улановые нации).
Ищите свой путь к победе!
примечание: данная карта предназначена для игры 1 на 1, при игре с компьютером, ИИ не хватает начальных ресурсов (можно помочь ему через enter: lucky, enter, P, выбираем цвет, и enter: deposits,enter; после сохраняемся и запускаем с сохранения, чтобы сохранить туман войны)

Card "the Winter plateau"

The card is calculated on 2 contenders. In the central part the extensive plateau to which all basic resources are concentrated is located. You have a possibility to take under the control this rich part and to win.
Or having subordinated itself, settlements with woodcutters, to organise lightning roundabout campaign with application of uhlans (it is clear that for this strategy will approach улановые to the nation).
Search for the way to a victory!
The note: the given card is intended for game 1 on 1, at game with the computer, AI does not suffice initial resources (it is possible to help it through enter: lucky, enter, P, we choose colour, and enter: deposits, enter; after we remain and it is started from preservation to keep a war fog)

Added (03/September/2009, 8:21 Am)
Карта "Под прицелом"
Карта рассчитана на двух соперников. В центральной части находиться обширное плато, которое занимает доминирующее положение над всей местностью. Контроль над данным участком карты, позволит держать под прицелом всё окружающее пространство.
P.S. Особенно эффективно применение артиллерии.
примечание: данная карта предназначена для игры 1 на 1, при игре с компьютером, ИИ не использует всех преимуществ карты (но играть можно).

Card "Under a sight"
The card is calculated on two contenders. To be in the central part the extensive plateau which occupies a leading position over all district. The control over the given site of a card, will allow to hold all surrounding space under a sight.
P.S. Artillery application is especially effective.
The note: the given card is intended for game 1 on 1, at game with the computer, AI does not use all advantages of a card (but it is possible to play).

Added (03/September/2009, 8:21 Am)
Карта "Золотое ущелье"
Между двух горных систем протянулось узкое ущелье, в котором сосредоточенны все ресурсы. Ключевую роль в ущелье играет золотой посёлок, но взять его под свой контроль непросто. На его охране два отряда конной гвардии султана. Поэтому тщательно готовьтесь к его штурму, либо планируйте обходные манёвры. Успехов!
примечание: данная карта предназначена для игры 1 на 1,при игре с компьютером, ИИ старается сразу взять под контроль золотой посёлок, а так как он хорошо охраняется, то он вязнет в нём.

Card "Gold gorge"
Between two ranges the narrow gorge, in which сосредоточенны all resources was stretched. The key role in gorge is played by gold settlement, but it under the control to take uneasy. On its protection two groups of horse guards of the sultan. Therefore carefully prepare for its storm, or plan roundabout maneuvers. Successes!
The note: the given card is intended for game 1 on 1, at game with the computer, AI tries to take at once under the control gold settlement and as it is well protected it sticks in it.

Added (03/September/2009, 8:22 Am)
Карта "Широкая долина"
Ваши с противником базы расположены в разных углах карты. Карта представляет собой равнину, которую пересекают две реки образующие широкую долину. Планируйте свои действия с учётом, что к противнику ведёт единственная долгая дорога. В междуречье возможен обходной манёвр, но он будет крайне затруднён. Двигайтесь поступательно или придумайте свой путь к победе. Успехов!
примечание: данная карта предназначена для игры 1 на 1, но и неплохо с ИИ.

Card "the Wide valley"
You with the opponent of base are located in different corners of a card. The card represents plain which is crossed by two rivers forming a wide valley. Plan the actions with the account that to the opponent the unique long road conducts. In междуречье maneuver is possible roundabout, but it will be extremely complicated. Move it is forward or think up the way to a victory. Successes!
The note: the given card is intended for game 1 on 1, but also it is quite good from AI.

Added (03/September/2009, 8:23 Am)
Карта "Партизаны"
На данной карте, лишь минимум посёлков у каждой стороны. К сопернику ведёт единственная дорога, которая петляет через шесть переправ. Быстрой победы не получиться, переправы охраняет система башен. По обоим сторонам реки нарыты редуты, которые позволяют организовать прочную оборону. Игра рассчитана на двух игроков и идеальна для ведения партизанской войны.
Карта создана по просьбе моего друга Ivan III, соответственно идея карты предложена им же.
примечание: данная карта предназначена для игры 1 на 1, при игре с компьютером, ИИ тупо лезет на охранные башни.

Card "Guerrillas"
On the given card, only a minimum of settlements at each party. To the contender the unique road which winds through six crossings conducts. A fast victory it not to turn out, crossings are protected by system of towers. On both parties of the river нарыты redoubts which allow to organise strong defence. Game is calculated on two players and is ideal for conducting guerrilla war.
The card is created at the desire of my friend Ivan III, accordingly the idea of a card is offered them.
The note: the given card is intended for game 1 on 1, at game with the computer, AI stupidly climbs on security towers.

EbelAngelDate: Thursday, 03/September/2009, 5:23 PM | Message # 16
Site Administrator
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Hello Agrid,

~Just downloaded your map installer tool. Unfortunately for us English users who have different language codec packs the tool shows up all weird. The Russian text shows up as weird symbols and question marks. See Screenshot below:

It would be most usefull if this tool can be translated to an English version for us. We can help you with a proper English translation if you like, as Daddio suggested. Just provide us the description of the buttons & information in russian and we will do it for you.

~Thank you very much for your time on providing feedback on the maps. I'm sure Daddio will take this into account and fix anything necessary. I have not had time to read trough it all, but will do so as soon as possible.

I am most impressed.

Best Regards


DaddioDate: Thursday, 03/September/2009, 10:33 PM | Message # 17
Group: Moderators
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I believe this is the older installer. The one we would like to help with is the newer one.


AgridDate: Thursday, 03/September/2009, 11:06 PM | Message # 18
Group: Mappers
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Hello Angel and Daddio!

1.Map installer for Cossacks 2, creation

Attachments: 4060144.jpg (88.0 Kb)
AgridDate: Wednesday, 16/September/2009, 5:35 PM | Message # 19
Group: Mappers
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2 step

1.Map (…file m3d )
2. Text file ( … file .txt)
3.Picture (…file .jpeg)
4. Map name
5.Skirmish / Battle
7. language: Russian English
8. create

Added (03/September/2009, 11:15 Pm)
This Map installer is created in English by a fitter. While full transfer of its interface into English is not made. It will be later. But it works already how I have sent on a picture. Excuse for inconvenience. Agrid

Added (16/September/2009, 5:35 Pm)
Cossacks map tolls - english version
-for create installer
-for view/delete maps
-for help to map making


Attachments: 3577215.jpg (151.0 Kb)
Forum » Cossacks II » Map & Scenario Editing » Map Pack 09
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