Well daddio, as i explained earlier, the files that actually modifiy the game are the same in any language, the text files are different, but thats just text and can be translated easy enough. The issue lies in the engine.exe that come's with the patch. First off all the engine holds the version number (1.4) in this case and not like on other gsc games in a simple lobby.txt file.
Secondly, you had an error with starforce acting up when using the engine.exe from the german patch 1.4. If you try to do the same with the russian patch 1.4 ( install it over 1.3) you will see that you will get the same error.
As to the starforce issue, i have no clue about this, i dont know enough about this to speculate on it. We would need help from the person that made the german version of the patch so he can explain this to us.
It is essential that the engine is fixed (modified) to work on the english version, as with a different version nr ( the old 1.3 ) engine you will only get errors on trying to join other people. This is probably a small change.
It is also possible that other changes have been done to the engine, so we really need the 1.4 engine in the english patch.
As i have written on the internal forum of cdv, either we need support for this from cdv ( starforce) or gsc( engine nr). Or if any of these parties is willing ( mostlikely gsc) to give us the source code , so we can do it ourselfs.
Have you noticed that my post didnt get any replies from nor VonSmeed or the German side ( KaneLX). Astonishing to me that they even didnt bother saying, sorry we' r not gonna do that or a simple reply woulda have been nice.
Don't know if all the above makes sense, but it does to me.
This is what i meant with, i hit the wall already and was just waiting for you to do so aswell.
It was of no use, m' sorry to say, to get a russian version of the game and install the patch on it, we need to get it to work on an english version, not a russian.
So where to go from here?
- Could ask Gex perhaps for help, but I'm sure he will say something similar, though he may have a bigger change of obtaining the source code from gsc then me.
- post again on the internal cdv forum, ask their opinion
- if a mail is written to gsc, it should be signed by as many people as possible.