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CI Campaigns Pack 1.1
[ · Screenshot ] 30/March/2015, 1:34 PM

I am pleased to present the Cossacks Back to War Ultimate Pack!
The puropse of this pack is to integrate all of the cossacks single-player content for free into Back to War, as well as integrate a switchable Mod1 to BTW as well.



--> ALL original Campaigns, both from European Wars and Art of War, integrated into BTW, including the tutorial from EW!
--> ALL original single missions from EW & AOW integrated into BTW, bringing the total to 117 single missions.
--> One new Campaign, "Over the Horizon", integrated alongside EW & AOW Campaigns.
--> Switchable MOD1 for Back to War. You can now easily enable or disable MOD1 via a simple batch file I wrote. You can also enjoy the original campaigns as they are compatible with MOD1, bringing a little twist to the old campaigns.
--> A couple of small bugfixes (missing packhorses, missing animations for Swiss And Hungary).
--> A simple uninstaller, should you ever want to go back to vanilla BTW, for your convenience.

This pack will not modify ANY existing files of the original Back to War. It will simply add new files that take priority upon load.


SCREENSHOTS: http://bit.ly/2bz3seE


DOWNLOAD - SFX INSTALLER: http://bit.ly/2bCcoAi





Enjoy and post any comments or questions. I will do my best to answer them.

PS: I believe this pack will also work on any steam version but I cannot be sure...




LATEST NEWS (9.6.2015)
I released a couple of standalones here for people who do not want the full pack but maybe only the campaign or animation fixes.
Here are the standalones. If you are using my Campaign then you don't need the animation fix, because it's already included in it. Be sure to use a clean BTW installation.

Just the animation fix for Harqebusier, Pandur, Chasseur, Hajdu (Swiss and Hungary, EXTRACT TO ROOT Back to War)


Over the Horizon Campaign 1.1 with animation fix (EXTRACT TO ROOT Back to War)


Battle of Sisak mission




Category: C1 Mod BTW | Added by: Pisces | Tags: Campaigns, Cossacks, CAMPAIGN, ultimate, pack
Views: 6583 | Downloads: 104 | Comments: 9 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 9
9 MirceaNic9094  
0 Spam
work for windows 10

7 哥萨克盟主  
0 Spam
Hello, unable to download, please issue other address, thank you

8 EbelAngel  

4 ThePeaceKeeper  
0 Spam
Hello, I sent you a message regarding on how you added all of the previous campaigns to BTW since I wanted to do something similar with American Conquest.

I appreciate any help I can get on this, cheers.

5 Pisces  
0 Spam
You need to extract the game using the GSC tool, and then add the entries to the txt files (Campaigns.txt) and several others, and then re-pack those file as a patch or mod.

6 ThePeaceKeeper  
0 Spam
Thank you very much for your reply! And yes, I've used the GSC File Utility to unpack AC's ALL.GSC file to get to the campaigns.

But can you be a bit more specific on what entries you edited exactly? I tried looking at your mod's files but I think a few things are hidden in there.

Thanks again!

3 Pisces  
0 Spam
GOG thread, always up to date: Thread at GOG.com

2 [OC]Penwyn  
0 Spam
I've just downloaded it and wanted to say thank you for all the work you did compiling it.

1 Ienzo  
Will this work on the GOG version of Cossacks BTW?

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