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Stone island (part 1)
[ · Screenshot ] 17/September/2009, 11:46 PM

The map is calculated on 2 contenders. Your bases are close, But they are divided by a river washing the big stone island.  At the initial stage, only on it it is possible to extract a stone necessary for development. The island is divided on two equal parts by an insuperable stone barrier. To cross it it is impossible, and here to shoot enemy peasants, it, please …
In a distant part of a map there are two settlements of masons and a settlement of woodcutters. Think over how to develop your economy and search for the way to a victory!

The note: the given map  is intended for game 1 on 1, at game with the computer, AI does not use all advantages of a map (but it is possible to play provided that you will not blow up the city centre of the contender as it persistently builds it in the central part of island...)
© 2009 Agrid (agrid@front.ru)
Category: C2 Map 2 Player | Added by: Agrid
Views: 1701 | Downloads: 171 | Comments: 3 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 3
3 Agrid  
0 Spam
Hi Agrid, I'm sorry but I dont really understand your comment. What do you want me to do?

I too would not understand that I have written bash

There such transfer has turned out my words from Russian lol

Now all ок, on a site part 1 and part 2 good

1 Agrid  
0 Spam
"Stone island II" - This continuation of the first map. Well type, the island is inaccessible now also a stone it is necessary to search on all map...

2 EbelAngel  
0 Spam
Hi Agrid, I'm sorry but I dont really understand your comment. What do you want me to do?


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