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C2 Map : KOST
[ · Screenshot ] 12/July/2017, 1:58 PM

CASTLE KOST - Kost means ''a bone'' in czech.

Hard as a bone
Castle Kost was build already in 14th century. In that times nobility preferred safety thus the unconquerability was a priorty. That´s why is Kost situated up on the rock but down in a ravine, surrounded by forests from all the sides. The advantage of Kost lied for all the times in a fact, that enemy noticed it when it was already late. Sometimes even happen that whole castle get's lost from horizon in a maze of sandstone rocks. Kost Castle lies in Northern Bohemia, specifically the region Bohemian Paradise (Český Ráj)

Plot: Two armies met on the northern border of bohemia, each on the other side of Plakanek valley, now it's time to fight for northern bohemia which will gain an access to heart of Bohemia a Prague. But new owners a noble family Netoličtí do not want to hand over so easily when they fought for a castle on court for the last couple of years. So tell me who will rule Northern Bohemia now?

Start locations are based on Valley four Mills 1.0 uploaded by Daddio. thanks man.

Category: C2 Map 3+Player | Added by: senditout
Views: 2396 | Downloads: 239 | Comments: 3 | Rating: 4.3/15
Total comments: 3
3 katuli2019  
0 Spam
How to download?

2 Ali123  
0 Spam
Sorry, me again. One problem I had. I could not move cannons over the street directly to Castle Kost. Not with and not without limbers. Possibly a bug of Cossacks ? Or is it to repair (wider street ?). Not only to attack the Castle, but the last attack to destroy the enemies village ist been hard without artillery.


1 Ali123  
0 Spam
Dear friend !

Well done !! I have had much fun for some hours. Looks fine, works fine, different ways to play it, so I am happy, thank you !

I would like to see more out of your "production".

Have a wonderful new year, friend


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