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Only The Good Die Young
[ · Screenshot ] 28/September/2013, 11:01 PM
3 player map. Remodification of sector20 map.
Category: C2 Map NW & BFE | Added by: aiidii
Views: 3615 | Downloads: 481 | Comments: 9 | Rating: 4.0/1
Total comments: 9
8 ananiahdodli  
0 Spam
The edges of the map are blurred....

9 aiidii  
0 Spam
That's how the developers made them. It's the same on vanilla maps that came with the game. Nothing I can do about it.

4 aiidii  
0 Spam
It works fine on my end. In BfE and NW. Have you tried installing the map manually through the game files?

5 Ali123  
0 Spam
Thanks for your message. Intermediary I got it but I still wonder. On the installed C2 and C2_Bfe I always used it did not run. After I got rid off and installed both of them again it runs. Manually anyway. The Autoinstaller made everytime an empty line in singlemiss.txt which I have to remove. And in the form "Only the good die Young" every time I get the notification something like "cannot find "only", then "cannot find "the", and so on. With ignore always I can start the game but without this map. So I always have to Change "Only the good die Young" in "Only_the_good_die_young" (One word with underlines !!!). This I have to do for every map titled with more than one word AND on every possible place in the directories Interf3\maps\skirmish and missions\skirmish and in missions.txt and SingleMiss.txt. This is a must or this map is not to Play.
For this time I got it. But while new installing my Win7 had some Problems with the DirectX and the compatibility. Maybe this was the reason for no running at first time. Now with "fixed Win and new installed C2 and BfE it runs. Thanks a lot, very good Job ! It is a not so easy map. On first time the rush of 2xEgypt got me - no Chance. Your last map "Blood Brothers" was same heavy. You have a good Hand for difficult maps.
Very good Job !

1 aiidii  
0 Spam
If anyone is having problems with lag while playing this map, set your log.txt file in the game's Data folder as "Read only".

2 Ali123  
0 Spam
Dear Aiidii !
Thank you for your work. Immediately I downloaded it and was happy about some funny hours. But it did not start. I get Messages like "Loading failure  SingleMiss.txt: Unknown Mission #Only...(just this word and after "ignore" Comes #the, #good, and so on)" or "... #Only_the_good_die_young..." if I have changed this. Mostly I have to use the underscores in SingleMiss.txt and missions.txt and the jpgs Folder. In case of These error Messages I can press "ignore" and the game starts, but your map is not inside. And without changes like the underscores, just with the loading-exe the game too starts without your map. Maybe a mistake in the m3ds Header or something like that ?
I have Win 7 64, but no Problems to Play, load maps, or graphics - and no lag. Please have a short look for it. I would like to Play this map and happy about the new "material"
Bye, Ali123

3 Ali123  
0 Spam
Hi Aiidii !
Whats going on ? Are you on vacation or thick ?

6 brony  
0 Spam
It is a naming problem. After installing rename the two files so that the names do not contain spaces. Such as OnlyTheGoodDieYoung. Also modify references in ..\Cossacks 2 - Battle for Europe\Run\Data\missions.txt
Interf3\maps\Skirmish\OnlyTheGoodDieYoung.jpg 444 211
236 125 1007 400

also in ../Cossacks 2 - Battle for Europe\Run\Data\Missions\skirBattlNames.txt
#OnlyTheGoodDieYoung_TXT OnlyTheGoodDieYoung

7 Ali123  
0 Spam
Hi brony, thanks for your post. Like written I tried this naming problem and it did not made it work. Meanwhile I got it but the reason for not working on my pc I never found. I deinstalled C2 and C2 BfE and installed both again. And on clean games (without patches) it worked. Patch, mappack, new maps and all of this I put later configure and all worked fine.
Only the reason for my "personal" disfunction I could not realize.
This map should be titled "Be really fast or you get killed"
Bye bye

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