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C2:Wasted Years
[ · Screenshot ] 29/December/2016, 1:17 PM

2 player map by aiidii.

Category: C2 Map NW & BFE | Added by: aiidii
Views: 2561 | Downloads: 114 | Comments: 7 | Rating: 4.0/3
Total comments: 7
6 aiidii  
0 Spam
Hi Ali123

Sorry aiidii !

I think me or this f...cking editor is confuzed. I send this comment, nothing (!!!) happened. I looked and looked and...
around. Nothing. At last I startet the website new and found it - but
in cruel formation. And the box of "Mini Chat" and so on is across the
I hope you can read it and you can cut the links (it`s ben a lot work).

This is the only comment I can see that was posted with Ali123 username.

If you have posted something else with Ali123 username it is not showing to me.


7 Ali123  
0 Spam
The comments are numbered. Yours has No 6. The (big) one, with links and much text has No 5. I just opened the cossacksworld-site and your map "Wasted years" too, and I can see it today (No 4). The line break is out of function, so it is very wide from left to right.

Ok, I made a copy. Please look at this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48365051/Aiidii.txt

Do you know dropbox ? It is a textfile in the public folder. You will find the text and the links in it.

Very complicated transaction.

Bye, Ali123

3 aiidii  
0 Spam
Hi rainer666

Thanks for the feedback.

One thing I do not like myself is starting points being too close to each other. Sure I could draw a river with a few crossings and my and enemy camp opposite of one crossing. Then we get an early rush situation. Unless you manage to block the crossing with some troops and then try to outflank the enemy on other crossings to get to his camp. But then we are back at the original problem. confused

At the moment I am working on 2 maps with a lot of distance between starting camps again. One will be for 2 players and the other one for 3 players.

Could you draw a sketch of what kind of map you would like to be made? It could just be a quick job in MS Paint. A few general ideas of where
to place rivers and crossings, some hills and villages, starting camps,...

aiidii smile

4 Ali123  
0 Spam
Hello Aiidii !I do not have enough own imagination to draw maps, but I know what I would like to play. So I show you some maps with different types of games. Much towns and much enemies, special strategic problems, more or less hard...A couple of years ago there was another mapdesigner called Tricky Tiger. I still love his maps until today. Unfortunately are his skirmish maps gone in the download-list. Just some battle maps are over. But I still have them all. Because I cannot download the screenshots of them I will show you a copy of his website (dead) in which you can see all maps pictures. Description is in german. I think you cannot read this, but if something interesting to you I will translate it.I used dropbox as cloud and send you a list of links for your personal use. The first one is the homepage with good pictures as example for your imagination. Please look at it. I am sure you will find a lot of good inspiration. The second link until the last one are for the single maps, so you have all the dates.Because I really have all the maps and mods out of the last 10-15 years. So I can tell you this person (Tricky Tiger) was an great artist in programming the Cossacks-engine to act as fine as thinkable. A pretty good example is the map "Rebellenstadt" (rebels city). It is a classic 1:1 map but, for sure, the engine as the third one in game fights harder then I ever saw in other maps - and attacks with more sense then usual.Another good example are the maps called "Riverland 1-3". Basically the same map in three variations. It has the most towns per map I ever have seen in all maps i know. Also you can fight against up to three enemies which fight against each one too. It is hard to win and fun for much hours.All these maps run wonderful perfect and each time the engine attacks with much more quality as normally used. I think this man had a understanding in the possibillities of the engine. Sure, I know you love good looking maps. But this is a kind of taste. The most important things are, so I think, no bugged maps and fun to play it - don`t you think too ? I appreciate your work for sure and I will not compare yours and his maps, and for sure I will not whine like a child. I hope you look at this work and maybe you find some inspiration for much further maps (I hope so).Have a good timeAli123 The homepage:  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u....ger.mht The zipped maps: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u....tte.zip
 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u....nze.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u....adt.zip
 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u....ung.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48365051/TTMap005_Belagerung.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u....gel.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48365051/TTMap007_Winterzeit.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u....nis.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u....6fe.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48365051/TTMap011_Battlefield1.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48365051/TTMap012_Battlefield2.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48365051/TTMap013_Riverland.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48365051/TTMap014_Riverland2.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48365051/TTMap015_Riverland3.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48365051/TTMap017_Kohlendorf.zip

5 Ali123  
0 Spam
Sorry aiidii !

I think me or this f...cking editor is confuzed. I send this comment, nothing (!!!) happened. I looked and looked and... around. Nothing. At last I startet the website new and found it - but in cruel formation. And the box of "Mini Chat" and so on is across the text.
I hope you can read it and you can cut the links (it`s ben a lot work).

2 rainer666  
0 Spam
Hello aiidii !
Have a really good new year !!! I found your new map some time ago but I have different private problems, to much to write blogs...
"Wasted years" is nice looking and technical perfectly, like the most of your maps. But I am sorry for a little critic-point. Since the last maps me and the opponent have to march through half of the map until we meet first our opponent. Ok, I have all the time to build my town , the updates and all - but no chance for fast attacks or backstage ways to defend or things like that. Just long time nothing (build up time), a long march with few towns to get, and a final battle somewhere in the middle. Please make a little more difference in ways and strategic possibilities.

I am one of your oldest fans (with years too, I am over 60) and I hope you forgive me. It should be more inspiration then critic.

Have a nice time


1 aiidii  
0 Spam
If anyone is having problems with lag while playing this map, set your log.txt file in the game's Data folder as "Read only".

MANUAL INSTALL - - - > http://cossacksworld.ucoz.co.uk/index/installing_maps/0-243

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