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17c Hist. Hardcore Mod
30/December/2009, 7:53 PM
If you are looking for mod that enhances the realism of the Cossacks, you should check this - 17c HH Mod. New buildings, new statistics units, lack of market or system of mercenaries, and the game itself. Number of changes against the basic version of the game is so large that it is better to play yourself to understand their meaning. Highly recommended by me ;].

More information:

Game required Cossacks Art of War or Back to War (1.35).
- lack of market
- new buildings like polish Zascianek or Stronghold
- new units for nations (like scouts, siege engineer [all nations] or train [only Ukraine])
- new mercenaries system (more realistic)
- new statistics units (more realistic)
- lack of mortars and howitzers
- new nation Scotland
and more

Install Mod17c_eng on C:AoW or C:BtW 1.35
Install patch_1.30_eng in main directory of game and overwrite
Replace mods02.gs1 from modhh305.zip to main directory of game
Replace files from aimod.rar to main directory of game and overwite
Installation is same for Art of War and Back to War.
Category: C1 Mod TAOW | Added by: Cichor
Views: 7175 | Downloads: 945 | Comments: 22 | Rating: 5.0/3
Total comments: 22
22 warlord469  
0 Spam
I have been looking for this mod for a couple of days now and haven't found any working downloads, no Dropboxes have the file anymore and the links from Loner (from Cossacks 3 page) don't have it either. Does anyone have this mod still available?

19 ivenend  
1 Spam
404 file not found sad

20 EbelAngel  
I don't seem to have this one on my computer to reupload. Even the other sites that had it (polish c1c forums, seem down?).
Maybe someone who has it can leave a link?

21 ivenend  
0 Spam
Loner kindly provide a download here: http://www.cossacks3.com/forum/index.php?threads/does-anyone-have-the-cossacks-1-17c-century-historical-hardcore-mod.27375/#post-70152

17 Henry  
0 Spam
Could you upload a original installation file? I want to apply it to steam version of BTW. Thanks!

18 Cichor  
0 Spam
"What you mean by: "original installation file"?

15 Proie  
0 Spam
is possible to re-upload the mod?

16 EbelAngel  
0 Spam
Reuploaded.Thanks for reporting

12 débile  
0 Spam
sorry the download don't work, i want tested it.
i tryied to search it on web, no success... sad

i think that we can put on our own servers.
i'm french and can to leave a link here. (download speed may be lower on the french server of the king zarkozy)

13 Cichor  
0 Spam
Give me few days, ok?

14 Cichor  
0 Spam

7 EbelAngel  
0 Spam
Cichor, there was someone asking for this mod on the german cdv forum and was gonna link to it, when i realized the link on filefront is down , again. Could you check & reupload please?


8 Cichor  
0 Spam
I apologize for my tardiness. I have mod on another pc and first i must back home. I will upload mod tomorrow or day after, please be patient and again my deepest apologies.

By the way, any idea for new server other than filefront?

9 EbelAngel  
0 Spam
No worries,

perhaps http://www.megaupload.com/ , though I don't particulary like this service, but hey, filefront doesn't seem to like your files so... dry

10 Cichor  
0 Spam
Thanks to my friend mod is reuploaded.

I'll try to upload tomorrow at MU and put the link in the description.

11 EbelAngel  
0 Spam
Thanks cichor, it's appreciated

5 Cichor  
0 Spam
I uploded the file a moment ago.

I would ask for the addition mod in the Download section, there are Imperia and OC MOD but 17c HH is missing :(

If the situation persists we will need to think about a different server than the FileFront. Any ideas?

6 EbelAngel  
0 Spam
Link seems to work now, thanks for looking in to it.

3 Cichor  
0 Spam
I try to upload again tomorrow or day after tomorrow. Please be patient.

4 EbelAngel  
0 Spam
Thanks for checking.

1 zer0g  
0 Spam
File is Unavailable. :(

2 EbelAngel  
0 Spam
Indeed, don't know if its an error on filefront's side.

Don't have a back up of it uploaded at the moment. Maybe wait a bit and try again later or wait for Cichor who uploaded the mod to pass by.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

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