Functions Part 2

void SelChangeNation(byte SrcNat,byte DstNat);


establish to the allocated units of nation SrcNat new nation DstNat



void SetStandGround(byte Nat,byte val);


For the allocated group of nation “Nat” at “val=1” - establish “Stand Ground”, “0” - to remove.



void AllowAttack(byte Nat,byte val);


For the allocated group of nation “Nat” at the “val=1” – allow the attack, 0 – forbid.




void SelAutoKill(byte Nat);






void HINT(GAMEOBJ* Hint,int time);






void DisableMission(char MISSID);


Not to show an inscription marked with the Latin letter in file “Miss*.txt”, given out on F1. “MISSID” - the Latin letter in apostrophes.




void EnableMission(char MISSID);


To show an inscription marked with the Latin letter in the file “Miss*.txt” , given out on F1. “MISSSID – the Latin letter in apostrophes



void SetVictoryText(char* ID);






void SetLooseText(char* ID);






void ShowVictory();


Give out a message on a victory.




void LooseGame();


Give out a message on a defeat.




void ShowCentralText(char* ID,int time);






void ShowPage(char* Name);


Show the text from file “Miss*.txt”. Its identifier, for example “#PAGE1” specified in quotation marks.



bool AskQuestion(char* Name);


Returns the answer to a question from file “Miss*.txt”. Its identifier, “#PAGE1” specified in quotation marks.

Yes – 1, No – 0.




int GetResource(byte Nat,byte ID);


Returns quantity of resource ID at nation “NAT”.


ID for resources can be:
















void AddResource(byte Nat,byte ID,int Amount);


Add for nation “NAT” quantity of resource ID, equal “AMOUNT”.



void SetResource(byte Nat,byte ID,int Amount);


Establish for nation “NAT” quantity of resource ID, equal “AMOUNT”.




int GetUnitCost(byte Nat,GAMEOBJ* UnitType,byte ResID);






int GetUpgradeCost(byte Nat,GAMEOBJ* Upgrade,byte ResID);






void RunTimer(byte ID,int Long);


Start the timer number ID for the “LONG” period.


Time specified in the standard units, minute is approximately equal 1000.




bool TimerDone(byte ID);


Returns “true” if the timer has com to the end.




bool TimerDoneFirst(byte ID);


Returns “true” if the timer has com to the end. (1 time, after that “false” again).




bool TimerIsEmpty(byte ID);


Returns “true” if the timer is not started.






void FreeTimer(byte ID);


To null value of the timer. (As though it did not start).



int GetTime(byte ID);




int GetGlobalTime();


Returns global game time (its readout is conducted in same units, as the timer, readout begins with mission start).




byte Trigg(byte ID);


Returns a value of the trigger ID.




void SetTrigg(byte ID,byte Val);


Establishes to trigger ID value “VAL”.




void RunAI(byte Nat);


Not to use.




void RunAIWithPeasants(byte Nat,char* P_Name);


Not to use.




void SetStartPoint(GAMEOBJ* Zone);


Establish the screen in zone “ZONE”.




bool UnitsCenter(GAMEOBJ* DstZone,GAMEOBJ* Units,word R);






bool SelCenter(GAMEOBJ* DstZone,byte Nat,int R);



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