Home » 2010 » April » 16 » Cossacks World 1 Year Old.
11:21 AM
Cossacks World 1 Year Old.
This very week, Cossacks World is one year old.

What has started as a place to archive my cossacks files and information, so I could easier share them with other people, has gotten a bit out of hand.

More then 90 000 hits on the site in the past year and over 500 registered members is more then what I thought off when I started this project. For those interested in more boring details, you can always check on the site statistics.

To ensure continuation and strenghten the team, I would also like to take the opportunity to introduce a new moderator for the Cossacks I forum: Cichor.
He has been here from nearly the start of the site and has proven himself usefull.
I also want to thank our other moderator Daddio for everything he has done so far for the site. It's appreciated

I will also be looking for one more additional moderator for the Cossacks II forum. If someone is interested or you feel like you can contribute in any other way to the site, please contact me trough private message.

So, what can you expect this year from me?

I will keep up uploading content to the site that is still archived on my computer and update content on the various site pages.

Meanwhile I will continue working on my modification for Cossacks II so if anyone has good suggestions, don't hesitate to speak up.

With cdv (publisher) beeing in troubled waters at the moment, it is unsure at this point in time what will happen to the company in Germany, but it has no consequence for the USA division of the company. They will have their own forums soon and should be able to survive on their own.

For the rest I will try to keep contact with GSC for help and support and ofcourse about what they have in store for us in the next years.

Because of the particular nature of how the ucoz site system works ( more registered members = more free webspace = more space to upload and share files) I will continue to ask people to log in before they can download. Once I have enough free space then I will no longer ask for loggin in to be able to download files. Forum will ofcourse still require a login to avoid too much spam on the site.

If you have specific suggestions towards the site or anything else that you think that might be usefull, just leave a message in the forum.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed in the past year, please keep on doing so the games may live for a couple more years.

Kind Regards


Views: 2561 | Added by: EbelAngel | Rating: 5.0/1
Total comments: 8
8 Warren_Gda  
0 Spam
Gratulations Angel.

Very good site, nice theme, very helpful people. Not so many visitor, who like write posts, but it's normal in Csx. It's not very popular game(s). I think that I must put banner of Cossacksworld on my site/forum, people must know about this nice site.

We all want to Cossacks never die, we have other style of work, but one aim!

Good Luck in this year. smile

7 gocodes  
0 Spam
well done! congrats u guys made a nice job. and very nice contribution for cossacks with this site, thanks for giving a wonderful information in just 1 site/// gl ahead just step in to the next successful year. we all here to support it.
Congrades Angel

6 [hwk]poppen  
0 Spam
i would love to say how its amazing how angels site has taken off like this. im thinking its the new "TGH" . one of the most influential and worthwhile sites i have seen in a wile. more help then i could ever imagine. great job mate. and MORE YEARS to come!!

4 Primigenia  
0 Spam
hi, i'm a gexozoid friend and, he talks to me of you, because i'm a fan of Cossacks 2, and i would like to change some stats and mechanics in the game, but i don't know well how; but i have a lot of ideas :D
If you want, email me withaout problem to talk about it. ;)

congratulations for the website, it's very well made and it looks very napoleonic :D

5 EbelAngel  
1 Spam

Thanks for your nice comment.

If you have questions about modding Cossacks II, just register,log in and start asking questions in the forum ( @ http://cossacksworld.ucoz.co.uk/forum/29). I will help if I can...

3 Nowy  
0 Spam
This site is very interesting for Cossacks fans.
Keep on doing so these games and moddifications will live for a couple more years.

1 Daddio  
0 Spam
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary, And heartfelt thanks for all of your efforts and time given freely to our hobby. If not for you most of what we have here would have been lost.


2 EbelAngel  
0 Spam

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