Economical backgroud could be interesting but I and many others players prefer warfare oriented style in skirmish mode. That's why I support vikes and Daddio in this matter too.
Buildings mills and mines can be step backwards. Worse that it can makes more problems. Do not know if players will can effective handel all these economy and warfare management. Therefore I think that C2 vanilla skirmish mode with some fixes will be enough there.
This moddification should eliminate few useless things e.g. peasants over-population which cased many times in long term gameplay.
Maybe implement peasants limit or slow down peasants time creation and change little bit system of productivity. Peasants used in wood and stone procurement gave occasions to over-population and this is quite useless and silly.
Better use more energy in warfare moddifications.
Autofire option by zone will be very useful. It could be fire at will option or allow to open fire when see enemy.
Skirmishers (jagers) should have new fire system and more extended formations.
Units squads should have new strength:
- infantry 80 men instead 120,
- cavalry could have two types of squads -> 15 men in squadron and from 30 to 60 men in regiment,
- Cossacks should have more units and theirs sotnias ->10 men and regiments 50 men.
Little bit bigger scale/size for infantry formations.
Cannons should/could link to batteries and should needs ammunitions and supply four wheel wagons.
Fix some bugs in artillery manouvres and guns atachments to limbers.
General commanders on battlefields are necessary.
More complex army organisation for brigades, divisions and army corpses, if it will be possible.
Cavalry could be weak against infantry fire, but should have powerful charge impact on infantry, except inantry in square formation at standground.
Peace time is useless, better implement option as some kind of diplomacy and peace treats.